Updated on Jun 3rd, 20219 min readwordpressphpgoogle

WordPress Form To Email + Google Sheet

So you have your cool WordPress theme and need some kind of form system to collect data and report it back to you. Perhaps all you need is a simple contact form that collects an email address and a message. Perhaps you need a six section registration form that collects a name, address, phone number, insurance information, job history, emergencies contacts. The number of use cases is infinite.

How should you solve this problem?

You could probably find a plugin to solve your problems, which is fine, but could cost money, add excessive code to your project, or box you in to doing things a certain way. On the other hand, you could just build your own solution. We are going with option two.

This article will give you an overview, as well as real code that can be used to create a form system for your website. A user will be able to go to your site and fill out a form. Once submitted, the results of the form will be saved to a Google Sheet in your Google Drive and you will receive an email that both notifies you of the form submission, and provides a link to your newly created spreadsheet.


This tutorial assumes you have a working WordPress installation and are a developer with a custom or child theme. For those new to WordPress, there are a lot of tutorials out there. You will also need access to the source code to implement this system. This is not a plugin.

I use XAMPP, which includes Apache and MariaDB, as my local development environment, but this tutorial is server agnostic. There are many online tutorials to help you set up a local WordPress development environment.

As a bonus tip, I recommend WPGulp to speed up theme development and bundle dependencies.

You will also need Composer installed on your machine. This is the PHP dependency manager, similar to npm for NodeJS or pip for Python. Once installed and placed into your PATH environment variable, you will be able to use the composer command in your terminal to install PHP libraries.

I am also a huge fan of VS Code with the PHP Inteliphense extension. VS Code is a great editor and the extension helps with code suggestions and formatting.


This form system requires minimal dependencies to get started.


I use a free plugin to handle email distribution. WP Mail SMTP can be used with G Suite, SendGrid, and a host of other email providers. Configure this plugin by navigating to its settings page in the WordPress dashboard and following the instructions for your preferred email client. This helps interface the WordPress email system with your preferred provider.

Google API For PHP

From the root directory of the entire project run composer require google/apiclient. This will create a composer.json file and a vendor folder containing the code needed to work with Sheets and Drive APIs.

Code Organization

Technically, this type of form system could be consolidated into a plugin of its own, but there is nothing wrong with integrating it straight into a theme.

Example HTML Contact Form

This is a form I made for a recent project. I would consider this basic for a form, but useful and appropriate for an introductory tutorial.

Example of a Basic Contact Form
Example of a Basic Contact Form

The following code includes Bootstrap classes and validation. I decided to leave those on since Bootstrap is fairly common and easy to add to a project.

  action="<?php echo esc_url(admin_url('admin-post.php')); ?>"
  data-message="Contact Form Submitted"
  <div class="form-row">
    <!-- First Name -->
    <div class="form-group col-lg-6">
      <label for="cf-first-name">First Name</label>

    <!-- Last Name -->
    <div class="form-group col-lg-6">
      <label for="cf-last-name">Last Name</label>

  <div class="form-row">
    <!-- Phone Number -->
    <div class="form-group col-lg-6">
      <label for="cf-phone">Phone Number</label>
      <input type="tel" class="form-control" id="cf-phone" name="cf-phone" />

    <!-- Email -->
    <div class="form-group col-lg-6">
      <label for="cf-email">Email</label>
      <input type="email" class="form-control" id="cf-email" name="cf-email" />

  <!-- Purpose of Contact -->
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="form-group col">
      <label for="cf-purpose">How Can We Help?</label>
        class="form-control custom-select"
        <option value="" selected>Choose...</option>
        <option value="appointment">Request an Appointment</option>
        <option value="question">Ask a Question</option>
        <option value="other">Other</option>

  <!-- Message -->
  <div class="form-row">
    <div class="form-group col">
      <label for="cf-message">Message</label>

  <!-- Hidden field allows hooking into admin-post.php -->
  <input type="hidden" name="action" value="contact_form" />

  <!-- Submit button -->
    class="btn btn-success btn-lg btn-block"
    Submit form

The name properties are important and will be used to reference values once the form is submitted.

The hidden input provides a hook into admin-post.php so we can name the form. The value contact_form is important and will be used later in WordPress action hooks.

The form itself uses the HTTP method POST and PHP to insert the action URL <?php echo esc_url(admin_url('admin-post.php')); ?>. This allows us to process the form with code within the WordPress system.

Bonus: Bootstrap Form Validation

Include the following JavaScript code, to be run on page load, that will activate the Bootstrap Validation.

  function () {
    var forms = document.getElementsByClassName('needs-validation')
    Array.prototype.filter.call(forms, function (form) {
        function (event) {
          if (form.checkValidity() === false) {


Google Project API Setup

In order to take advantage of the Google Sheets and Google Drive APIs we need to create a project using the Google Cloud Platform. If you are using G Suite for your email service, or have used any Google APIs in the past you will be familiar with this interface.

Start by creating a new project and finding the API & Services section. At the top of the page you should see + Enable APIs and Services, which you will click.

Enable Google APIs
Enable Google APIs

On the next screen, search for and enable both the Google Sheets and Google Drive APIs.

With these APIs enabled, the next step is to create a credential called a Service Account. Find the Credentials page under the API & Services section and at the top of the screen click + Create Credentials. A dropdown will appear with the Service Account option. Click this!

Name the service account whatever you want.

Create Service Account
Create Service Account

On the next screen I have been choosing Project Owner as the role of the Service Account. All other options I have been leaving blank.

Finally, we reach the final details screen. At this point there will be an option to create a JSON key. Do this and you will be prompted to save a file containing your credentials. This isn't something you should be sharing or letting the public have access to. These credentials are required to interact with these powerful Google APIs.

Create JSON Key
Create JSON Key

The example below is from a dummy account I created so you can see the structure of the file. I like to change the name to credentials.json and that is how I will refer to it later in our source code. These credentials are necessary for us to interact with our Google account from within our WordPress backend.

These credentials are safe anywhere on your local machine. You will need to reference the path to this file when we start writing our PHP code. Placing them within your project file structure makes sense. I recommend adding this file to your .gitignore if you have one, and if you control your production environment, place these outside of the project file structure or make sure this file cannot be served to the public.

  "type": "service_account",
  "project_id": "leafy-courier-266922",
  "private_key_id": "3ec1c9226a4efeb28eab05bb062b15dda04b404f",
  "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----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\nnBpqVEBvf8XfmYmpsVqrtjI=\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
  "client_email": "whatever@leafy-courier-266922.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
  "client_id": "103024883226673493517",
  "auth_uri": "https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth",
  "token_uri": "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
  "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/certs",
  "client_x509_cert_url": "https://www.googleapis.com/robot/v1/metadata/x509/whatever%40leafy-courier-266922.iam.gserviceaccount.com"

Google Drive Setup

Since we want to save our form submissions as Google Sheet documents inside our Google Drive we need a reference to a folder. To accomplish this create a new folder in your Google Drive. This Drive should be part of the same account that owns the Service Account we created earlier.

This folder will have a unique ID that we will need later in our PHP code. The ID is the long string in the URL.

Create Google Drive Folder
Create Google Drive Folder

Once created, we need to add the email address for the Service Account to the list of users associated with the folder. This is done my opening the Share dialog and pasting in the email address from the credentials.json file. This email is also available through the Google Cloud Console.

Add Service Account To New Folder
Add Service Account To New Folder

PHP Logic

With a lengthy setup complete, the next step is to construct the PHP code that will transform our form into a saved Google Sheet.

The first thing we need to do is bring our vendor folder into functions.php. Remember, the vendor folder holds the Google API code that was brought in with Composer.

Place the following at the top of functions.php.

require ABSPATH . '/vendor/autoload.php';

To interact with the Google API an instance of Google Client is needed. I have abstracted this into its own function, which I have found helpful for organizing projects with more than one form.

The keys here are to request the appropriate scopes and to pass in the path to the credentials.json file we saved earlier that represents our Service Account. Simply return the client instance.

function get_google_client()
	$client = new \Google_Client();
	$client->setApplicationName('Arbitrary Name Here');
	$client->setScopes([\Google_Service_Sheets::SPREADSHEETS, \Google_Service_Drive::DRIVE]);
	$client->setAuthConfig('<path to google credentials json file>');
	return $client;

The following function will be triggered when our Contact Form is submitted using the WordPress admin.post - remember the action property we set on the form.

I have provided comments and separated the logic into smaller sections.

Note the two WordPress action hooks at the bottom. These use the roots admin_post_nopriv and admin_post with the name property from our hidden form input above attached to the end. There are two hooks to account for both logged in, and non logged in users.

function process_contact_form()
		// Sanitize the POST fields and store as variables
		$cfFirstName = sanitize_text_field($_POST["cf-first-name"]);
		$cfLastName = sanitize_text_field($_POST["cf-last-name"]);
		$cfEmail = sanitize_text_field($_POST["cf-email"]);
		$cfPhone = sanitize_text_field($_POST["cf-phone"]);
		$cfPurpose = sanitize_text_field($_POST["cf-purpose"]);
		$cfMessage = sanitize_textarea_field($_POST["cf-message"]);

		// Get Google Client and create service
		$client = get_google_client();
		$service = new Google_Service_Drive($client);

		// Google Drive folder ID where spreadsheet will be saved
		$driveFolderId = 'Google Drive Folder ID Here';
		$mimeType = 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet';

		// Name file based on patient - use last name first for easy lookup
		$fileName = "$cfLastName, $cfFirstName";

		// Set Drive file properties
		$googleDriveFile = new \Google_Service_Drive_DriveFile();

		// Create Drive file
		$result = $service->files->create($googleDriveFile);

		// Create Sheets service
		$service = new Google_Service_Sheets($client);

		// Sheet ID used to perform data operations
		$sheet = $service->spreadsheets->get($result->getId());
		$sheetId = $sheet->getSpreadsheetId();

		// URL to be sent in email
		$sheetUrl = $sheet->getSpreadsheetUrl();

		// Sheet properties
		// Range - where to put new data
		$range = 'Sheet1';

		// Values - each array is a row, each item a cell
		// Mirrors the form
		$values = [
			['Contact Form Summary'],
			['Purpose', $cfPurpose],
			['First Name', $cfFirstName],
			['Last Name', $cfLastName],
			['Email', $cfEmail],
			['Phone', $cfPhone],
			['Message', $cfMessage]

		// Place values in value range
		$body = new Google_Service_Sheets_ValueRange([
			'values'  => $values

		// Specific input as RAW
		$params = [
			'valueInputOption'  => 'RAW'

		// Send to Sheets API to update file created by Drive
		$service->spreadsheets_values->update($sheetId, $range, $body, $params);

    // Generate email content
    // URL will automatically create link and attachment in Gmail
		$to = 'List of Email Addresses Here (comma separated)';
		$subject = 'New Contact Form';
		$message .= '<p>Open the attached Google Sheet to view Contact Form data.</p>';
		$message .= $sheetUrl;
		$headers[] = "Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8";
		$headers[] = "From: Name Here<Email Address Here>";

		// Send to appropriate email and redirect based on success or failure
		if (wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers)) {
			// Redirect to success page
			wp_redirect(get_site_url('Insert ID of Success Page Here'));
		} else {
			// Redirect to error page
			wp_redirect(get_site_url('Insert ID of Error Page Here'));

// Add function through WordPress action system
add_action('admin_post_nopriv_contact_form', 'process_contact_form');
add_action('admin_post_contact_form', 'process_contact_form');


With all the preparation and code in place, all that is left to do is fill out the form and submit it. If wired up correctly you should get an email almost immediately.

The Google Sheet created for the example form would look something like the following.

Example Google Sheet
Example Google Sheet

Final Thoughts

I enjoy working with the form system I have outlined in the article for a number of reasons. Having a hard copy of the data saved to the cloud makes it very easy to organize and share results with coworkers. The system can be implemented for free and doesn't rely on massive plugins. While plugins are helpful, and even essential to WordPress, writing your own code will always allow for more flexibility.

Here are some ideas of where to go from here

  • Add reCAPTCHA to prevent bots from submitting spam forms
  • Add formatting to improve the look of your Google Sheet
  • Expand the system to more complex forms
  • Customize the email by adding text and image content
  • Breakdown the core function into more reusable parts
  • Compile the results of a survey or poll into one master Google Sheet
  • Create a settings page in your WordPress admin
Benjamin Brooke Avatar
Benjamin Brooke

Hi, I'm Ben. I work as a full stack developer for an eCommerce company. My goal is to share knowledge through my blog and courses. In my free time I enjoy cycling and rock climbing.